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How to Choose a Modern Mantel
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Modern Mantels are known for having very sleek lines and a
contemporary look. Decorating modern
mantels requires some different ideas than your traditional mantel would. You want to accentuate the contemporary look,
and not take away from its sleek design.
Design the Space has a beautiful selection of modern mantels if you are
in the market for one. They are
available in marble and stone in a variety of colors and styles. Now we want to share some decorating ideas
with you!
When decorating one of our modern mantels, it is best to keep in mind that less is usually more! You do not have to fill the space to add beauty. Start with a large family portrait hung above your mantel. Find a frame that accentuates other color choices you have used on pillows or in your rug and you have just completed your look. If you would prefer to have something actually sitting on the mantel, try a simple vase with some brightly colored dried flowers. Pair that with a contemporary mirror and your masterpiece has been created. Another beautiful, contemporary idea is to use blacks and whites in your décor. Hang a large mirror with wide black trim to the wall behind your mantel. Complete this look with a set of three white empty vases on either end of your modern mantel. Choose vases in various heights and sizes and you have a simple, yet marvelous looking contemporary fireplace mantel.
We hope that you have enjoyed these ideas for decorating you modern mantel and bringing a contemporary flare to your home. If you have any questions or would like to order one of our modern mantels, please contact us! We look forward to working with you!